Thursday, December 18, 2008

let's get it started

so here I'm getting started with my blog..something i thought was a complete waste of time until recently when i realized how exciting blogging can be. The main reason I'm starting this blog is that my idea of having a diary is not working out as i spend most of my time on my comp. So i decided to have my blog.... i always wanted to maintain a diary, have tried many times but all in vain.So now i have something of an internet diary which i believe i would be able to maintain as i spend quiet sometime with my comp since I'm almost jobless this December i think i can do justice to this thing.

This blog is going to be about me.As most of the people find me quiet energetic and a playful personality this thing will add another dimension to their picture about me.I'll try to be as honest as possible and will try to avoid any controversies. so friends happy reading and i'll appreciate your comments and suggestions

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